Weinebene |
Height |
Climbing height - length |
1666m (road height 1673m)
1202m - 18.1 km (St. Gertraud)
1262m - 23.7 km (Schwanberg)
1302m - 22.8 km (Deutschlandsberg)
1272m - 22.5 km (Fuchswirt) |
Difficulty |
Beauty |
4 (5) |
3 (5) |
How to get there |
I climbed this pass from Schwanberg (411m), which is the less known access to the pass, but I believe it was used in the tour of Austria recently. On the paper it looks like the easiest climb to the pass, but I found that doubtful. In any case it is not an easy climb with very varying steepness. The steepest climb is clearly the early parts of the climb from St. Gertraud (497m), but then it becomes a much gentler climb in the second half. The most height metres to climb is from Deutschlandsberg (371m), but somehow it seems like the climb is a bit more evenly steep up here on the wider road than the Gressenberg road from Schwanberg. On this side the climb is also not so steep higher up after the two roads meet up in Glashütten (1274m). |
Other comments |
I believe the most fun road to climb is actually the Gressenberg road from Schwanberg, which has less traffic on a smaller varying, but good road. The steep sections above St. Gertraud came as a surprise when I went down here and the steepest part has long ramps up to 15% or so, which makes it a bit similar in style to the Koglereck/Magdalensberg/Soboth climb from Lavamünd on the other side of the Große Speikkogel (2131m). The Speikkogel mountain is reached by the famously steep Koralpenstrasse and ends just a few metres under the top of the mountain after 15.42 km and 1670 height metres. Thus you climb nearly 400m higher in the same distance as on the last part of the Passo dello Stelvio climb from Prato!
[AT-2-1668, BIG 662] |