homeForcola di Livigno/Fuorcla da Livign/Passo Forcola/La Fórcola
Forcola di Livigno/Fuorcla da Livign/Passo Forcola/La Fórcola Height Climbing height - length
Signs 2315m, 2314m
259m - 3.9 km (La Motta (Dogana))
1901m - 33.9 km (Tirano)
496m - 14.2 km (Livigno)
464m - 11.8 km (Livigno west)
Difficulty Beauty
2 (5) (La Motta (Dogana))
4 (5) South; 2 (5) East
2-3 (5)
How to get there If you go from Livigno (1818m) or bypassing Livigno starting at 1850m in Italy, this is a rather easy pass. The same is true if you come from Passo del Bernina/Pass dal Bernina/Berninapass (2328m), even if the bit from La Motta (Dogana) (2055m) is somewhat steep (up to 13-14%). However, if you come all the way dwon from Tirano (438m) in Italy, then this is a really hard and long pass climb!
Other comments I have not found this a very beautiful pass. No water on this climb (the short variants). There are all kinds of services down in Livigno. Typically one travels via the Passo di Foscagno/Pass da Fus-chagn (2289m) and Passo d’Eira (2211m) when climbing over this pass as the only alternative is the Livigno tunnel from Switzerland. It is no longer allowed to cycle to/from Livigno through the tunnel as someone has deemed it too dangerous and thus you will either have to pay a fee for the bus or a higher fee as penalty for breaking the regulation. (20 euro in my case, even when I met no car in the tunnel. I had just missed the half-hourly bus and hoped they would not charge me a fee – I do not approve of that regulation. No idea what the fee might be outside bus hours … .)