This a pass near the end of the asphalt road to Älpele (1558m) up the Dünserberg. The pass is found 140m up from the asphalt road on a gravel road to Gerachhaus (1550m), but from the pass it is again asphalted (240m) to the Gerachhaus.
You can start down in Rankweil (486m) and take the big road to Übersaxen after which it becomes a narrow road and eventually it goes mostly flat for some time over toward Dünserberg and when getting out of the wooded section an asphalt road leads up to Älpele, which becomes a bit less smooth higher up. You can also start the climb in Rönsberg-Schlins (492m) if coming up from Feldkirch; from Bludesch (532m) if coming from Bludenz or from Schnifis (654m) if coming down the Faschinajoch (1487m). |