homeColle della Colma (Galleria di Rosazza)
Colle della Colma (Galleria di Rosazza) Height Climbing height - length
1489m 1046m - 15.5 km (Biella)
1084m - 16.7 km (Occhieppo Inferiore)
343m - 5 km (Oropa)
624m - 7.7 km (Valmosca)
Difficulty Beauty
3-4 (5) 3-4 (5)
How to get there

This is a very nice pass road from Biella (443m) (or Occhieppo Inferiore (405m)) up via Oropa (1146m), which is a famous sanctuary – the complex of buildings is really impressive and makes most other religious sites come across as simple shelters (not quite, but this is huge). Oropa has been the finish of Giro d’Italia stages 5 times. I have noted two road variants on the map. This climb only gets steep after Oropa on the road that was asphalted rather recently (I think it was asphalted completely the year before I went there the first time in 2008). The few drainage passages on the road have big cobblestones that I would not want to go down in speed (though I cannot remember them from descending there in 2013, so they could not be that bad, but I also knew to take it easy).

The climb on the Rosazza side starts in Valmosca (865m) where the Strada Panoramica Zegna comes down from Bielmonte, and this forms the continuation of that road and it continues further west from Oropa basically all the way to Andrate (a lovely road of which this climb is the centrepiece). This side is more wild and generally steeper as the road clings the rock wall to the tunnel opening. Just before the opening there is a nice looking restaurant with good views.

Other comments The Strada Panoramica Zegna from Trivero to Andrate (the very last part to Andrate is just a gravel road, so one has to descend a little before and climb back up if wishing to stay on asphalt all the way) is well worth visiting and should be the obvious first road choice for touring cyclists moving east/west in the area, giving you a sense of staying in the mountains as you move from lower Piemonte or Aosta to Lombardia or vice versa. This pass really used to be the hidden gem of the area, but is now more well known.