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Height | Climbing height - length |
1962m | 1260m - 16.1 km (Scheideggstrasse) 1342m - 16.1 km (Willigen) 1010m - 11.7 km (Grindelwald Grund) 1321m - 21.7 km (Zweilütschinen) |
Difficulty | Beauty | |
4 (5) | 4-5 (5) | |
How to get there | The normal road up from the east starts near the highest point between Innertkirchen and Meiringen (702m) (Scheideggstrasse). Closer to Meiringen in Willigen (620m) there is another road via Schwendi (Schwendistrasse), with view of the famous Rychenbachfall (famous for Sherlock Holmes plotting his own fictional death there). This last road is easy in descent, but since it has a gravel section and is very steep at times, it might be very hard to climb all the way with a road bike bicycle. The two roads meet after just a few kilometres. Then, soon afterwards, one arrives at a crossroad where one take the road that climbs up. The road up the east is steep and hard (up to 16-18% at one point). The western approach starts in Zweilütschinen (653m) or at Grindelwald Grund (952m) if you have visited Männlichen (2223m) and this side is only a little easier. |
Other comments | There is a long almost flat section in the middle of the eastern climb. There is water on the way. There is a hotel/restaurant at the top. There are some ‘cattle stoppers’ (word?) – electrified ones that goes to the side if you simply drive through them (do not open them by hand, just cycle through – at least if you have my frame size). The views at the top and even lower down of the surrounding mountains are superb! Be careful when descending the east side and be sure not to get in the way of the local bus on both sides! They have recently painting warning signs on the road on both sides – which I find a bit ridiculous, but apparently there are a lot of careless cyclists around (or they think so). There is a road going higher at the pass and it is currently asphalted to 1983m, but the asphalt soon reappears at Gratschärem (2007m), but soon disappears again and comes back and disappears again on its way to Alp Grindel. It is also asphalted to nearby Alp Grindel (1962m) (looks like asphalted to First at 2027m now) to where a hopelessly steep climb goes up from Grindelwald). This pass road was only completed by 1979. [CH-BE-1962, BIG 565] |
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