Feliceto (stayed there)

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Feliceto (stayed there)

At Bocca di a Battaglia (1099m) I encountered not just stormy weather, but a snow storm which soon turned into a severe rain storm. I could not open my eyes as I was trying to get down the serpentines from the pass and had to drive on the wrong side not to get over the edge of the road. Sometimes I had to stop as I could not control the bicycle. I stopped at Speloncato to try and dry up while waiting for the storm and rain to ebb out, but it did not happen, so I had to continue two hours later and heard I could find a place to stay the night at in Feliceto. I asked a man in Feliceto about this and then another man said I could stay at his house, so I quickly accepted the offer. A very nice family made my stop here wonderful!


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