Online Maps
Michelin’s ViaMichelin.com for general maps of Europe, quite accurate for France (less so for other countries). Also has “good” satellite views (not in Switzerland, but see map.search.ch).
gpsies.com are good to use for measuring distances and for being able to switch between maps (unfortunately no longer satellite images from Google and Bing as they are going more commercial). As to route creators – they all have limitations and problems, but besides this site you can also try bikemap.net and ridewithgps.com
France, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Bavaria
France: IGN maps.
Liechtenstein maps.
Slovenian maps. Others: Slovenian maps and Slovenian maps (simpler).
Bavarian maps (south Germany).
Switzerland maps at the Bundesgeoportal works best.
Swiss map.search.ch has other information and good satellite views.
Austrian Map online (only supports certain versions of the Java plug-in, very bad site). One can however access these maps through Bergfex.at and use ‘Karte einblenden’ and turn off various information in order to get a better view and move around quicker.
Kompass maps are found at Kompass (very similar to the official Austria maps).
Austrian detailed maps for each part of the country are found through Geoland.at.
Italian IGM maps (very old 1:25000 maps).
Liguria region.
GEO Piemonte. (Pretty useless and does not work well, but seems to be all on offer in Piemonte now.)
Cuneo area of Piemonte.
Torino area of Piemonte. (Seems to be gone forever.)
Valle d’Aosta region. (Good maps, but I miss some feautures with other names from their old maps.)
Lombardia region. (There are actually two CTR 1:10000 maps, not all consistent and sketchy.)
Trentino region.
Bolzano/Alto Adige region.
Veneto GeoPortale.
Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region.
Spain & Andorra
IGN maps of Spain covers all of Spain.
IGN maps portal CNIG of Spain, which really only works, and then poorly, in Windows.
Catalonia region.
Aragón/Huesca region.
Navarra region.
Basque/Pais Vasco region.
Cantabria region.
Castilla & Leon region.
Asturias region (does not seem to work at all).
Mallorca island.
Andorra maps. Pdf files.