homeCamona da Nagens
Camona da Nagens Height Climbing height - length
2144m 1450m - 15.74 km - 9.3% (Ilanz)
1644m - 23.72 km - 6.9% (Reichenau-Tamins)
Difficulty Beauty
4-5 (5) 3-4 (5)
How to get there

This climb starts in either Ilanz (694m) or the the east in Reichenau-Tamins (595m). The climb from Ilanz is the shortest and most consistent climb, especially after they built a tunnel on the east side that you have to climb over with your bicycle on a local road, but that climb has a long flattish section through Flims and then going over an unnamed pass at 1113m before a short descent to the turn-off and the hard climb to Nagens.

From the turn-off on the main road in the Surselva it is still a 1083 height metres to the top and this climb is among the hardest climbs in all of the Alps, but it is never extremely steep (always under 20%, max 16.3% over 100m says Michiel, which might mean that it is close to 20% during that stretch). It was not long since it all got asphalted and the road is nice, but it is a hard climb in part since it is rather unevenly steep most of the time. There is even a short flat section that ends with a little bridge and a place to fill up water before the long last hard section.

Other comments Climbed this myself from Ilanz (the classic approach) with another frequent climber and who just like me he documents lots of interesting climbs in the Alps and the Pyrenees, Michiel van Lonkhuyzen of cyclingcols.com, and here is his documentation for the climb with a great detailed height profile (and almost the same photo I choose from the same time in 2016). No BIG, no pass, no mountain top, but still a great climb!