After a very good breakfast I took off around 9 a.m. (the normal time I took off in the morning was somewhere between 9-10.30). It went very fast up to Riva del Garda (I had an ambitious mountainbiker behind me ;-)). It was indeed a nice town, but totally overflowing with tourists and cyclists, so I just tried to find the right way out as fast as possible. I was heading in the direction of Tenno (and Lago di Tenno) (look for the road sign to the cascata – which is one of the main attractions around there and is one the road to Tenno).
The serpentine road up to Tenno was very nice and steep, with a nice view over Lago di Garda (I took a photo up there, but it was the most disastrous one, since it was still rather foggy all that could be seen on the photo was the shrubbery where I stood, despite that I could clearly see the nice half-opened tunnels by the side of the lake that I had just been cycling in). Lago di Tenno was the first mountain lake I passed and it was one of the most beautifully coloured I saw during the days (the other was at the Gavia passage).
I just decided to hurry on to Molveno to see if there were perhaps something open there, but it looked like a rather dull and dead place to me. I continued to Andalo and decided to get into a Pasticceria (bakery of sorts). They did not have much to eat though, but at least I got something in me. Andalo must be the highest situated place on that way (the height was not marked out in my otherwise rather good Michelin 1:400 000 map over North-East Italy, which I cut in half to save weight), probably around 1000 meters and almost a kind of a pass height, but none such was indicated. When leaving Andalo it had become more cloudy and it was a bit chilly and the rain was threatening to come down on me. (The weather sometimes change dramatically up in the mountains.) On the way downhill from Andalo just where the landscape opened up below me, I took the next photo.
I was in Bolzano already at 7 p.m., I think it was and I cycled around 180 kilometers that day. One should perhaps add the kilometers one go up while travelling in the mountains too. It is not possible to gain very much time on the way down from mountain passes as the roads usually do not admit of average speeds above 40 km/h. Going uphill in mountain passes meant for me to go somewhere between 8-14 km/h most of the time (up the Mendelpass from Fondo I was probably closer to 14-20 km/h though, but that was easier than usually). In Bolzano I stayed at a place I was not very happy with, but it was still ok. I went down to Bolzano in my modified super-lightweight beach-sandals I had with me and the Infil wool-underwear shirt I tried not to use, so I had something to change for after arriving at a place and having a shower. I had all packaging in a cross-over back-pack of a small kind that probably weighed something like 3 Kg all in all. I had my camera in the bicycle shirt, as with my Psion computer (which I needed to wake up in the morning + had address for postcards there). Well, I went down to Bolzano and had a doubled pizza which was very good and bought an ice cream nearby afterwards that was fabulous. Strolled around in the city for a little while – very nice city but perhaps mostly a tourist place. Bolzano lays surrounded by high mountains and castles.
Then back to the room to wash up the bicycle clothes, just as usual, and having them almost dry at morning ;-). Next day is day 3!