Climbs in the Alps

All paved +1000m gain climbs in the Alps + other favourites (on Google map)
All paved pass roads in the Alps (all over 1286m)
150 favourite climbs in the Alps (on Google map)


My Tours of the Alps & Pyrenees

Tour of the Dolomites 2000
Tour of the Pyrenees 2001
Tour of the Alps 2002
Tour of the Dolomites & Central Alps 2003
Tour of the Alps 2004
Tour of the Pyrenees, Cantabria & Asturias 2005
Tour of the Alps 2006
Tour of Colorado 2007
Tour of the Alps 2008
Tour of the Alps 2009
Tour of the Alps 2010
Tour of the Alps 2011
Tour of the Alps 2012
Tour of the Alps 2013
Tour of the Alps 2014
Tour of the Alps 2015
Tour of the Alps 2016
Tour of the Pyrenees 2017
Tour of the Alps 2018
Tour of the Alps 2019
Tour of the Alps 2020

My shorter tours

Mallorca 2007
Corsica 2008
Bergamo 2009
Ötztaler Radmarathon 2009
Liguria BIG meeting 2009
Rimini 2010
Alicante 2012
Sicily 2013
Girona 2014
Alpes-Maritimes 2015
Nove Colli etc Spring 2016
Friuli Spring 2017
Tour of Veneto & Trentino-Alto Adige 2019

Climbs in the Pyrenees

Worthwhile climbs in the Pyrenees
Google map of all worthwhile climbs in the Pyrenees!
Highest paved pass roads in the Pyrenees

Other resources

Online maps
Other websites
Profiles of climbs
My packaging list
Web shops



THE ROAD BIKE CLIMBS OF THE ALPS: All paved roads above 2000m & some gravel roads 2nd edition

New 2025 edition of my book, THE ROAD BIKE CLIMBS OF THE ALPS: All paved roads above 2000m & some gravel roads – 2nd edition, is now published and available directly from me or from retailers around the globe! Out on January 24th, 2025.

The 2nd edition (2025) adds 5 more climbs for a total of 191. It has 27 new photos. 421 GPX routes & a comprehensive overview of the climbs can now be downloaded. There are also many minor corrections and updates throughout the book. It now feels like a final version, but there could possibly be a future edition some years further on if we have more newly paved roads then.

This book is a presentation of all the paved road climbs in all of the Alps at or above 2000m. It also includes the gravel roads that I have cycled on above 2000m.

The book is written from the perspective of a road cyclist, but the information provided here may also be of interest to a broader audience as one learns much about the Alps and its roads. It can also serve as a reference for the high roads of the Alps, even if not every aspect is covered.

Through photos, descriptions, facts about length and steepness, and personal experiences, you will gain an understanding of what to expect when cycling up these roads.

Jerry Nilson has previously published Dream Road Bike Tour of the Alps – a practical guide on how to plan and execute your own tour through the mountains, illustrated with a suggested and detailed “Dream Tour” based on personal experience. To date, Jerry has visited over 4100 passes and other climbs, with a special focus on the Alps.

Jerry hopes to publish further books on the best other climbs and routes in the Alps, and possibly later in the Pyrenees and other locations.

The book is 311 pages, 352 photos, self-published (print on demand) with the best Ultra Premium Colour at Ingram Spark. There is also a cheaper Soft Cover version with just premium colour. It is always cheaper buying directly from me than via a retailer. The prices from Ingram only includes tax outside EU. Always ask for the price in Europe for other countries not specified below (2-3 weeks delivery time):

Hard Cover Ultra Premium incl. shipping
UK: £40, Europe: €47, US: $49
Soft Cover Premium incl. shipping
UK: £31, Europe: €35, US: $40

Paypal fees: €2.50 in EU; $2.50 in US; £4 in UK; AU$7 in AUS! SEPA payments in Europe has no extra costs and I send details when you contact me. It is possible to use SEPA payments from the UK also. I do not pay for possible customs/taxes to Europe that may be charged (but I set a low value). I might change the prices slightly up/down due to changing exchange rates etc., but I confirm the price when you contact me to order!

I could now also send hard cover books printed inside EU to avoid possible extra fees, and prices are better in at least The Netherlands and Belgium. The books printed in EU looks slightly different (a bit more compact, colours are less red/yellow for good and bad, rounded spine instead of flat). Price for the book printed in EU incl. tax & shipping in The Netherlands: €40 with SEPA payment or €42.50 with Paypal. Ask for other countries. I believe the colours are a little better in the UK/US/AUS edition.

To order or just join my mailing-list, e-mail me with your name, address and phone number – if you just want to join my mailing-list or ask something, then just send me a mail with a note about cycling:


Changed regularly: ALL climbs in the Alps with more than 1000m elevation gain and some other climbs most road cyclists should give a try (only such I have deemed to be special or that they were close to 1000m gain and interesting). All on one big Google map, which I will not try and integrate on the site here, so only a link (right-click to open in a new window)! This is the most accurate list of climbs in the Alps that exist (in case you wonder ;-)), but not the longest or the only one of interest, of course (see my external links page). Also no profiles from me, but others are very good on this: and for example.



The rules for the +1000m climbs are not 100% perfectly followed, but the idea is to choose the most logical starting point and end the climb when there is more gravel than asphalt, or normally just where there asphalt ends (a couple of the climbs are well worth to proceed a bit further on gravel, depending on the weather). Mostly I start the climb at least from the second way out of the area on another road, but all depending on whether there is any substantial height gain still possible by starting lower. Generally the climbs should be at least 4% on average, but currently a few have been added just below, like Passo della Mauria and Col d’Ornon (they might be removed later). I (mostly) only state the height metres for the recommended climb, but sometimes not as it might be less than 1000m up, while another climb variation means +1000m and have then chosen the longer climb.

Some short gravel is tolerated, but there are borderline cases in less than maybe 5 cases where I have not yet verified by visiting them myself. Normally when there is a kilometre or more of gravel and I still think one should climb to a gravel end, I have added them to the Gravel climbs section at the end, except when it is easy to reach the end on gravel, like Baita Segantini/Passo della Costazza. Climbs that fork off from eachother on the way up have to be separated by at least over 200m height gain from the the fork. Climbs to another place below another climb even if still 1000m gain are not included (as they will normally have the same view at the end, only form a lower point).

ALL climbs mean climbs with different end points. Many of the climbs have 2 or more sides/variants that are all have +1000m gain, but the interest here was to locate the places, then you choose the sides and can come back another time to climb another variant.


Dream Road Bike Tour of the Alps

My first book is still available! Giving all the advice needed to make a memorable bicycle tour of the Alps. I also illustrate such a tour by creating a “dream tour” – attempting to solve the puzzle of what route would be optimal to take if you only go to the Alps once and got +2 weeks at your disposal. That tour I could both illustrate and comment on in detail even if I have never done it myself, since I have been to (nearly) all the roads and places before.

Still in stock directly from me. New lower prices: Prices incl. shipping (worldwide) €17,50; $19; £15; 150kr. Payment mainly through Paypal: pay to and state your delivery address and e-mail. If you do not have Paypal, you can pay via Paypal anyway and I can send you a Paypal invoice if you send me an e-mail to the address here. Or you can use this direct link:

2016-01-15: The book is now also available worldwide through all bookstores online and normal ones that order it for their customers. It is available from ; ; ; and more as of writing. The book is still possible to order from Blurb too!